
Judy Sgro Volunteer Awards 2019

This award is presented to community volunteers that have been nominated by their community organization. It is an award we give annually to hundreds of volunteers who help serve Humber River - Black Creek.


Award Recipient: Grace Oha

My name is Grace Oha and I am a consistent volunteer for YNOT.  Since I was 14 years old, I have volunteered and worked with YNOT to help with the community.  Once, I helped volunteer at YNOT’s after school program, and it was a great experience. It was insightful to help children out with their academics and to help bring some after-school fun.  I also volunteered with them for their annual Christmas party.  It was such a fun experience, to connect with the community and to spread some Holiday fun.

For these volunteer efforts working with YNOT, I was awarded by The Honorable Judy SGRO for my continuous attempts in helping and volunteering around the neighbourhood.  I thank her for recognizing me for my hard work in the community and I hope I can be an inspiration for others to do more as well too.&


Award Recipient: Aliyah James

Hello my name is Aliyah James. I am a first year student from Seneca College. I was frantically searching for a first year placement. I became very discouraged that I would not be able to find a placement before the deadline. As I sat before my laptop pondering what y next move should be, I came across YNOT services. At first I was hesitant but at the same time expectant and a little cautious however is was definitely interested. So I anxiously placed my first call to YNOT, and the result proved to be great. I was scheduled an interview with Mr. Ubah and his staff.

At this point my nerves were running quite high. My interview went great; I was later emailed and offered the position as a placement student with YNOT. Now the beginning of my journey has started. My first week was up and down I had to read the manual as well as review the programs and services to assure I knew what I was going to be doing. Every week after the first was great. Never before have I connected with this many people. I now know the importance of support and how it can go a long way.

Although I started off with little to no knowledge in the SSW field, YNOT allowed room for me to learn and grow. I learned how to formulate professional emails up to learning how to interact in a professional environment. Not only did I acquire additional life skills, I also acquired a partnership. I have enjoyed every moment of my journey with YNOT. I have always put my best foot forward; the end result has been winning this amazing award from Judy Sgro herself. I believe I could not have made it this far without the help of YNOT and I am oh so grateful. May this program continue on for many Decades to come.


Award Recipient: Chinaanuekpere Ubah

My name is Chinanuekpere Ubah, I have been volunteering with Youth Now on Track Services (YNOT) for the past four years. During this period of time I have supported Children in Empower Children for Greater Tomorrow, YNOT summer camp and recognizing youth potentials and rewarding excellence in serving the community. Volunteering at YNOT gave me the opportunity to develop a great deal of skills, and experience, it also helped me to understand the community and the services available for youth.

I would want to thank YNOT graciously for this great opportunity to serve and support the community; it brought a lot of changes in my life and helped me to help others.

I was more than happy, when I got the information that I was nominated for Hon. Judy Sgro community volunteer award. It really made my day; it serves as an encouragement to me and motivation to do more in the community. Finally, thank you Hon.Judy Sgro for this award.


Award Recipient: Bridget Ubochi

Bridget Ubochi, receiving the 2019 Community Volunteerism award from Honourable Judy Sgro, MP for the Humber River-Black Creek Riding. She volunteers generously with YNOT and other City of Toronto development groups. She is also the acclaimed manager of “Amaku Football Team” (aka her grandkids).

Bridget Ubochi is a writer, an educator, and a community developer who loves inspiring young people to take charge of designing and actualizing the future they want.

She is a published author of States of Consciousness: Canada: Journey of Love 

Currently working on her second book, Bridget Ubochi lives a true description of a Senior on 2nd Shift.


Award Recipient: Millicent Nortey

My name is Millicent Nortey and I volunteered for Youth Now on Track (YNOT) services for 7 months. Volunteering was a great experience for me because I got to learn skills that would help me in my future employment. As an immigrant to Canada, I needed to know my community to become an active citizen. Helping with the Empowering Children for a Greater Tomorrow (ECGT) program, Organizing workshops, Summer camp and meeting families and youth in my area was a beneficial experience. These encounters helped me build my social skills, as well as educating myself on how to work with people in my community.

Thanks to YNOT and the amazing community projects they've organized, I've become an active member of my community. YNOT helped me to become the successful person I am today and has helped many youths in my area.

Thank you YNOT and Judy Sgro for acknowledging my contributions to my community, and I hope others will persevere and decide to become active members of their communities as well.


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