BN 818291296RR0001    (1)647.427.4898   

Defining Who You Are Program

Our Intake Process: 

Intake Procedure: YNOT focuses on crime prevention and justice by advocating for the youth, providing intervention and prevention strategies to divert the youth away from the dangers of the streets. We address youth violence and offer a holistic service approach including counselling and mediation. Individual programs are designed to our client’s specific needs. We encourage them to share their difficulties through personal, private and confidential interviews.

We have experience working with youth who have dropped out of school, those engaged in gang activities and those living in a dysfunctional family setting. Our objectives are to help each youth learn to develop the skills needed to manage anger and diffuse negative situations. Many of these youth have been misunderstood and misdiagnosed causing them to be angry. This makes our counselling and mediation services even more important, as we at YNOT will not give up on them. Each client is required to take the following steps. Complete the Defining Who You Are application. (We encourage their parent(s) to assist with this application.) Attend a private, confidential meeting with our Intake personnel. Participate in our counselling sessions.

Take part in one of our programs: What Are the Benefits of the 'Defining Who You Are' Process Each client will: Will learn how to set goals and have a game-plan to achieve them. Be encouraged to focus and be purposeful in their lives. Will feel engaged, encouraged and empowered in a meaningful and substantive way. The programs provide youth with the opportunity to: Become law abiding members of the community. Have access to a safe forum to speak and be heard about the issues they face. Develop life skills and strategies to manage conflicts and make positive choices in life. If you know a youth between the ages of 12-18 in trouble with the law or that you think needs our services then the first step is to call our office.

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