
10 Steps Mental Health Mentorship Program

About the Program:

Youth Now on Track services (YNOT) have been given the opportunity to develop a new youth-driven program entitled 10 steps mental health mentorship program. Through training, the program equips youth with tools, skills, and awareness of mental health and illnesses. Parents and youth will learn about online communication and social media literacy in relation to cyberbullying and mental health issues.

This program will assist in bridging the gap between youth and mental health stigmas by providing a fantastic opportunity to open doors on mental health and its affects and obstacles. We wish to provide youth with new and useful knowledge regarding the various facets of mental health.


Funder’s Name: Kindred Foundation

Funder’s Description:

Empowering youth with resources, skills, information, and understanding of mental health and illnesses through teaching youth participants to obtain knowledge in detecting mental health triggers. Parents and youth will learn about online communication and social media literacy in relation to cyberbullying, mental health and illnesses, and 2SLGBTQ+.


Open to Youth of all religions, races, genders, sexual orientations, and ethnicities.


Expected End Results:

  • Provide tools and skills on navigating mental health
  • Understanding and identifying triggers on mental health challenges
  • Will learn online communication and social media literacy on cyber bullying

How Does It Work:

  • Hosting Online workshops as well as in-person workshops
  • Facilitate workshops through internal peer-to-peer activities and collaborations with external organisations.

Some of Our 10 Step Workshops

You can click on a workshop poster to see more details about that event.


Phone: (1)-647-427-4898 | Fax: (1)-647-430-5814
Email: info@ynotservices.org
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